
Order Processing
You will receive an email confirming receipt of your order. You should contact us by email immediately if you notice any inaccuracies in your details as Vero Distribution Ltd cannot and will not accept any responsibility if your delivery details are in anyway incorrect.

Orders are processed as soon as possible and usually within 3 days (excluding Saturdays and Sundays). In exceptional cases, due to high demand or other reasons, order processing may take longer but every effort will be made to complete and despatch your order promptly. Any exceptional delays
will be advised on the website and by email.

You will receive an email confirming dispatch.

Courier Partners
Once your order has been processed, it will be either dispatched by the Royal Mail on a Standard 48hr service or where the order requires large/pallet shipping one of our trusted courier partners.

Our delivery services, either with the Royal Mail Standard 48hr or our other courier partners are not a guaranteed service, but delivery is usually in 2 and 4 working days.

Royal Mail was crowned the most climate-friendly UK carrier, an achievement important to us as we strive to make our operation as climate-friendly as possible. 

Another important reason behind us partnering with Royal Mail is that in the event you are not in, your postman (who you may be familiar with) will generally take the parcel to your local Post Office or Delivery Office and with over twelve thousand of them, you won’t have
far to travel to collect it.

Vero Distribution Ltd only ships within the UK (mainland).